Grand Master Sam Frazier | Executive Director Master Larry Rolufs
A Legacy of Excellence
Grand Master Jae Joon Kim
World MATA Tang Soo Do Federation and this website are dedicated to the memory of Grandmaster Jae Joon Kim. Grand Master Kim awarded Grandmaster Frazier DANs 1 though 6. Grandmaster Frazier studied with him until his untimely passing in 2007. The was a dedicated Christian and lived his faith.
Grandmaster Kim brought his family and knowledge of Tang Soo Do to America from Korea, and established his first Tang Soo Do school in Detroit, Michigan. He developed over 18,000 DAN members and schools in 33 countries. It was Grandmaster Frazier's great privilege to serve as one of his attorneys. He was a truly gifted and great man.
Upon his passing Grandmaster Frazier established World MATA now known as World MATA Tang Soo Do Federation. We continue Grand Master Kim's traditions in the art of Tang Soo Do and we are committed to passing on the principles, traditions and training guidance in Tang Soo Do.

Grand Master Sam Frazier
Sam Frazier is a 10th DAN Master Instructor. Master Frazier was eventually awarded his 7th 8th and 9th DAN by World Martial Arts Testing Authority, Inc. His 10th DAN certificate was signed by 5 respective Grandmasters in Tang Soo Do.
Under the direction of Grandmaster Jae Joon Kim, Master Frazier began teaching at his own World Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation school in Lakeside, California in 1996. Master Frazier operated the schools under the name as United States Tang Soo Do and later incorporated the organization to United States Tang Soo Do, Inc. He has continuously operated martial arts schools at Lakeside, San Diego, La Jolla, La Mesa, and Auburn, California.
Master Frazier has a Bachelor of Science and a Doctorate of Jurisprudence and practiced law for 40 years as a civil trial attorney before retiring in June of 2018. He is currently serving as grandmaster of World Mata Tang Soo Do Federation.
Following the loss of his home, law offices and one of his Dojangs to fire, Master Frazier moved to Auburn, California and has established a "State of The Art" Dojang with traditional flooring. Master Frazier continues to teach at Auburn Tang Soo Do.
What is the World MATA Tang Soo Federation LLC?
World MATA Tang Soo Federation LLC is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The headquarters for World MATA Tang Soo Do Federation is located at 7860 Mount Vernon Road, Auburn California 95603. Our phone number is (858)-456-5822.
The World MATA Tang Soo Federation LLC has schools in the United States and other countries. To receive training and membership information please visit the member schools and bios found elsewhere on this website.
The training requirements and promotion are governed by ranking Masters and Grand Masters of World MATA Tang Soo Do Federation LLC.
Why join World MATA?
Standardized Promotion
With a World MATA membership, you can be assured that your skill promotions will be consistent and thoroughly in line with our stringent Tang Soo Do requirements. You'll receive full desriptions of the necessary qualifications and the online and phone support you need when you have questions.
World MATA Authorization
As a World MATA member in good standing, your studio will carry the power of the World MATA name. It's a seal that means you are committed to upholding the highest standards of Tang Soo Do.